Merope n. 61-62
edited by
Gloria Lauri-Lucente - Francesco Marroni - Tania Zulli

Francesco Marroni, Troping the Heart: E.M. Forster’s Homoerotic Greenwood
Gloria Lauri-Lucente, Nostalgia and Nostophobia: Filming Englishness and Italianness in A Room with a View and Where Angels Fear to Tread
Anna Enrichetta Soccio, Houses, Property and Nation in Howards End
Tania Zulli, “Betraying the Country”: Ideological Deception in A Passage to India
Stefania Michelucci, E.M. Forster, “The Story of a Panic”: An Anthropological Reading
Raffaella Antinucci, “A book on chivalry”: Questioning the Gentlemanly Code in Arctic Summer
Neval Berber, E.M. Forster’s “Ruritanias” and Queer Masculinities
James Corby, E.M. Forster: Muddling Through Italy
Ivan Callus, Friend or Country?: Narratives of Impossible Choice in Sophocles, E.M. Forster, and Beyond
Pagg. 268 - € 18,00

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